ETRAC's mission is to promote the creation and maintenance of a comprehensive, regional trail system for equestrian trail riders on the San Francisco Peninsula.
ETRAC has established dialogs with many public organizations, that own, develop and maintain lands for public use, requesting information on trails projects and offering assistance with equestrian issues.
ETRAC has, and continues to participate, as a stakeholder in the planning of trail systems of a truly regional, comprehensive trails network for the San Francisco Peninsula.
ETRAC's goals:
- Function as a coalition of participating equestrian affiliate organizations.
- Consist ideally of two members from each affiliate organization, at least one of whom should be an officer of the affiliate organization.
- Keep the membership of all affiliate organizations informed about trails issues, problems, and opportunities, etc. in San Mateo County and adjacent counties.
- Participate to the greatest extent possible in developing trails and master plans by governmental agencies for properties situated on the San Francisco Peninsula.
- Establish and maintain liaison with governmental agencies owning, acquiring and/or maintaining public lands on the San Francisco Peninsula, and develop and keep a current list of contact persons of these agencies.
- Monitor trails-related actions of governmental agencies through membership in citizens advisory committees or attendance at their regular public meetings.
- Communicate the concerns of equestrian organizations on specific issues through written communication and appearances at public hearings.
- Develop a list of prioritized trails projects for action.
- Develop strategies on a project-by-project basis for communicating effectively with the controlling agencies on trails issues.
- Offer experience-based assistance and consultation on trails issues to governmental agencies.
- Assist in organizing volunteer participation in trails projects.
We invite your San Francisco Peninsula equestrian club or organization to join in the efforts of ETRAC to keep our trails open for equestrian use.
Please contact us for more info.
Ernst O. Meissner founded ETRAC in 2003
Ernst passed away on Nov 25, 2017.
Read about his life here
To establish communications between the equestrian community and governmental agencies Ernst Meissner conceived the idea
of a coalition of equestrian organizations that would communicate among themselves and as a united entity with governmental agencies. In February 2003,
representatives from several equestrian groups agreed to create ETRAC
(the Equestrian Trail Riders' Action Committee), and to approve a mission statement which was subsequently ratified by the various equestrian organizations.